Afternoon Magazine
Shows from Jan. 1, 2002 - Dec. 31, 2002

1999 List
2000 List
2001 List

Show #617
Thursday March 21, 2002
Bob Stoddard 
"The Encyclopedia of Pepsi-Cola Collectibles"
For all of us who are member of the Pepsi Generation or who remember that to "be sociable, serve Pepsi" why not reminisce? Remember when Pepsi cost a nickel? What were you doing when "Gotta Have It" was Pepsi's slogan of the day?

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #616
Wednesday March 20, 2002
Franklin Hill Ph.D 
"Winds of Change"
Presents a simple but powerful analogy: But overcoming our fear of change, we can manifest our highest potential and reach our greatest joy.

Jim Hancock 
"Raising Adults: Getting Kids Ready for the Real World"
Its about learning to understand your kid's world, their sometimes unnerving sophistication, their periods of withdrawals, their lurking anger, their apparent lack of motivation, their cynicism. It's It's knowing that if you can understand, you can make yourself understood.
Pinon Press
P O Box 3500,
Colorado Spring CO 50935

Show #615
Tuesday March 19, 2002
Kathleen Brush 
"High-Tech Strategies in the Internet Era"
An A-Z Book on the high-tech strategy process. In a business climate where lightning change, uncertainty, and imbalance are the norm.
Word Association Publishers
205 Fifth Avenue
Tarentum, PE 15084

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #614
Monday March 18, 2002
Stan Cornyn 
"Exploding: The Highs, Hits, Hype, Heroes and Hustlers of Warner Music Group The Future of Life"
This book chronicles the early years of Warner Bros. Records and the company's meteoric rise to become one of the most dominant forces in the history of the music industry.
William Morrow
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022.

Chris Dawes 
Play at the Chester Fritz by Valley Christian Center - March 23 and 24

Nancy Kelly 
"Help There's A Toddler in My House!"
Keeping a toddler occupies for any period of time can seem impossible. With boundless energy and short attention spans, most toddlers can run circles around adults and still resist a nap!

Show #613
Friday  March 15, 2002
"The Pocket Encyclopedia of Aggravation"
n high-stress world filled with annoying people, places, and things, it's inevitable to run into situations that gall, ruffle, torment, and rankle even the coolest customer.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publisher
151 West 19th Street
New York, New York 10011

Show #612
Thursday March 14, 2002
John Welshons 
"Awakening from Grief"
A must Read for the soul... If you are grieving, this book will comfort you. If not, it will prepare you for that which is not small stuff."
P O Box 
Little Falls, NJ 07424

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #611
Wednesday March 13, 2002
Patricia J. Hutchings 
"Managing Workplace Chaos" 
Information overload plus mountains of paper minus time - stress! By the time you've finished answering the phone, returning calls, wading through email, and prioritizing the stack of papers spilling out of your in-box, you hardly have any time to do your actual work!

Gretchen Hirsch 
"Helping Gifted Children Soar"
This user-friendly guidebook educates parents and teachers about important issues such as working together, evaluation classroom programs, forming parent support groups, choosing appropriate curriculum, meeting social and emotional needs, surviving the up and downs, and much more.
Gifted Psychology Press, Inc.
P O Box 5057
Scottsdale, AZ 85261

Show #610
Tuesday March 12, 2002
Harry Henderson
"Global Terrorism"
This book is balanced examination of the complex political and social issues surrounding Global Terrorism
Facts On File, Inc.
132 West 31st 17th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #609
Monday March 11, 2002
Marion Nestle 
"Food Nestle" 
This book exposes how the food industry will go to any lengths to encourage us to eat more food, more often and in larger portions, regardless of the health implications.

Frank Boehm, MD 
"Doctors Cry, Too"
This thought-provoking and inspirational book deals with physicians, patients, their loved one and the complex challenges that relate to these individuals.

Show #608
Friday March 8, 2002
Dr Greg C D Young 
"The Winds of the Soul" 

Joe Graedon, MS and Teresa Graedon, PhD 
"The People Pharmacy" 
Provides an A-Z handbook of common ailments and symptoms
St. Martin's Press
175 5th Ave
New York NY 10010

Show #607
Thursday March 7, 2002
Ric Edleman
"Financial Security In Troubled Times." 
This book grew out of the many urgent questions and concerns expressed by clients and callers to my radio and television programs since the Attack on America.  The horror of that day has left many people uncertain about the future and troubled about their personal financial security.

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #606
Tuesday March 5, 2002
Harold Kushner 
"Living A Life That Matters"
A Book is of full of the great stories and subtle wisdom that make him a genuine spiritual leader for us all in a time of considerable confusion.
Alfred A Knopf
Borzoi Books
299 Park Ave
New York, NY 10171

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #605
Monday March 4, 2002
Arnold Newman 
"Tropical Rainforest" 
This book describes the rain forest ecology and the economic factors of bringing about rain forest destruction are detailed and well researched.
Facts On file, Inc.
Maple Press Company
Lebanon Distribution Center
704 Legionaire Dr.
P O Box 1287
Lenanon, PA 17042

Lori Cidylo 
"All The Clean One are Married" 
This book is a insightful account of what it is like for an American woman living in Russia is a dramatic tale full of insouciant laughter in which the immediate sense of vivid experience shrines on every page.
Academy Chicago Publisher
363 West Erie Street
Chicago, IL 6610

Show #604
Friday March 1, 2002
Michael Barriere 
"The Word"
The Life, Sayings, and Divine Ministry of the Christ Jesus

Dr Eun Kim 
"The Yin and Yang of America Culture" 
A thoughtful and enlightening book based on a cross-cultural odyssey and enriched with social-consciousness. Harnessing the concepts of yin and yang.
Intercultural Press
374 US Route One
P O Box 799
Yarmouth, MA 04096

Show #603
Thursday February 28, 2002
Jim Bickford 
"The America Dreams Collection"
America was built on dreams. Our ancestors chose to take the risk of putting their lives on the line of fighting for freedom.
Delstar Book
3350 Palms Center Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89103

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

 Show #602
Wednesday February 27, 2002
Judy H Wright 
"Kids, Chores & More"
This book is a practical parenting guide written by a real expert - a real mom of real kids who actually do help out at home
Judy H Wright & Assoc.
2400 W Central-Msla, MT 59801

Joanne Hill 
"Rainbow Remedies"
Life brought Joanne Hill Stormy times which she turned into rainbow remedies for growth and inspiration
Moorhill Communications
P O Box 4114South Bend Indiana 46634-4144

Show #601
Tuesday February 26, 2002
Paula LaRocque 
"Championship Writing: 50 Ways to Improve Your Writing"
This is destined to become a must-read by writers of all types, including journalist, public relations professionals, authors, and anybody else who communicates via the written word.
Marion Street Press Inc.
P O Box 2249
Oak IL 60303

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #600
Monday February 25, 2002
Salvino Madonna 

John Putzier 
"Get Weird

Show #599
Friday February 22, 2002
Ralph and Lahni Deamicis 
"Feng Shui and The Tango in Twelve Easy Lessons"
This book is a mix of spiritual, practical and fascinating insights woven together in an entertaining and easy style.

Judy Weiss 
"Take The Ride Of Your Life"
This book shows you how to use those bike-lesson memories to energize yourself and your journey.

Show #598
Wednesday February 20, 2002
Dr Elaine Ducham 
"Must I Turn The Other Check?"
Offers a new approach to recovery from sexual abuse. By suggesting that premature forgiveness of the perpetrator can actually increase the negative effects of the trauma, she provides a way of letting go of destructive anger and opens the door to true healing and inner peace.
Dr Elaine Ducharme
10623 N Military Trail, Suite 102
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #597
Tuesday February 19, 2002
Irene B Levitt 
"Brain Writing" 
When you write, your hand is merely the tool that holds the pen. The style of your writing emanates from you subconscious. What appears on paper is much more that words, hidden are feelings, emotions, and sexual vitality.

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #596
Monday February 18, 2002
Steve Silberberg 
"Air Sickness Bag Museum"

Linda Kay Weber 
"Louis Larkey and the Bad Dream Patrol"
A book about three courageous teddy bears that team up to protect their owner form bumbling Dad Dream.
Moon Mountain Publishing
80 Peach Road
North Kingstwon, RI 02852

Show #595
Wednesday February 13, 2002
Eric Schlosser 
"Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal"
Fast food has hastened the mauling of our landscape, widened the chasm between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and propelled American Cultural imperialism abroad.

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #594
Tuesday February 12, 2002
Marshall L Michell III 
"The 11 Days of Christmas"

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #593
Monday February 11, 2002
Robert Babdal
"Romance in Film: Volume I, From the Silent Era to 1950."
This book contains the historical Background and theory on the transition of romance form literature to the silver screen.

Mason Brown 
Unique perspective about what occurs before, during , and after pregnancy, describing in detail everything form birth to afterbirth.
Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York NY 10020.

Bill Bike 
"Winning Political Campaigns: A Comprehensive Guide to Electoral Success"
This book covers everything form advertising to building alliances, proper business practices, campaign literature, candidate behavior, media, voter contact, debating, fundraising, strategy, and more.
The Denali Press
P O Box 21535
Juneau, Alaska 99802-1535

Show #592
Friday February 8, 2002
Dr. Robert Rizza 
"Encyclopedia of Foods"

Jeff Miller
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) 

Show #591
Thursday February 7, 2002
Randy Gilbert 
"Success Bound"

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #590
Wednesday February 6, 2002
Patricia Evans 
"Controlling People"

Lolette Kuby 
"Faith and the Placebo Effect" 
This book is a no-holds barred presentation, that describes this powerful tool and takes issue with the medical community for knowingly trivializing our inherent power of self-healing.

Show #589
Tuesday February 5, 2002
Amy Barlett "Be Still America...I am God 
A story of God at work before, during and after events of Sept 11, 2001. Among those in Manhattan on that fateful day, Amy knows where God was: He was there--even in the ruin and the rubble.

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #588
Monday February 4, 2002
K Neill Foster " Sorting Out The Supernatural" 
This book is an exploratory, non-exhaustive look at the contemporary components of Judeo-Christian life and practice - prophecy, tongues-speaking, revelation, signs and wonders, healing, deliverance, providences, falling and more. Liberally sprinkled with both historical and contemporary illustrations, these pages provide thought-provoking insight for our times

Show #587
Friday February 1, 2002
Paul Tieger 
"Do What You Are" 
Unlock the secrets of personality type -- how you process information, make decisions, and interact with the world around you--and discover the career that is right for you.

Show #586
Thursday January 31, 2002
Judy Reiser 
"And I Thought I Was Crazy! Quirks, Idiosyncrasies and Meshhugaasl"
A collections of odd behaviors that are surprisingly endemic among humankind

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #585
Wednesday January 30, 2002
Jon Komey 
"Turning Numbers into Knowledge: Mastering the Art of Problem Solving."
 Mastering the art of problem solving takes more than proficiency with basic calculations: it requires understanding how people use information, recognizing the importance of ideology, learning the art of story telling and acknowledging the important distinction between facts and values

Show #584
Tuesday January 29, 2002
Marshall L Michel III 
"The 11 Days of Christmas"
This book is gripping tale of heroism and incompetence in a battle whose political and military legacy is still a matter of controversy

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #583
Monday January 28, 2002
Brenda Starr
"101 Reasons to be a Proud American" 
This is intended to educated and inspire all who read it to better understand the principles that have made, and continue to make, the United States a work

Anne Warfield 
"Outcome Thinking"
Common body language bloopers everybody makes, and how to avoid.  How to make a great first impression - in 60 seconds.  Secret techniques that will help you disarm adversaries and speak like a pro.
Impression Management Professionals
7200 France Ave S #224
Edina, MN 55435

Show #582
Friday January 25, 2002
Manuel Diotte 
"Happiness Is A Pair Of Shorts."

Show #581
Thursday January 24, 2002

Richard Chandler 
" Life Integration Journal : How to Journal Your Way to Love, Health & Success" 

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #580
Wednesday January 23, 2002
Michael Corey 
"The God Hypothesis"
This book sets out to reverse the profound misunderstanding that science has disproved the existence of God.

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
4720 Boston Way
Lanham, MD 20706

Show #579
Tuesday January 22, 2002
Maury Finney

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #578
Monday January 22, 2002
Jan Friedman 
"Eccentric America"
This book offers a provocative look at hundred of festivals and events, attraction, museums and collections, tours, shopping, restaurants, hotels, and oddballs environments.

Globe Pequot Press
P O Box 480
246 Goode Lane
Guilford, CT 06437

Jim Royal 
with Barnes-Carson Circus

Show #577
Friday January 18, 2002
16th Annual Harvey Avenue Saloon Bologna Cook off 
at Minto ND

Show #576
Thursday January 17, 2002

Eileen Renders ND 
"The Holistic Cookbook" 
This book revels which wonderful food strengthen bodies...boost energy...enhance youthful appearance...and fight disease and depression.


Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #575
Wednesday January 16, 2002
Steve Gottlieb 
"American Icons"
This book contains what the author feels are our nation's most important symbols and created a panorama of graphical powerful images that evoke feelings of patriotism, of wanderlust, of nostalgia, of optimism.

Rick Rinhart
5260 Manhattan circle #101
Boulder, CO 80303

Dr Larry Parks 
"What does Mr. Greenspan Really Think?"
How a lifetime of careful saving, including pensions, could be wiped out in an eye blink. why the traditional approach to retirement savings will leave ordinary people holding an empty bag. How the structure of our monetary system manufacturing - and good-paying manufacturing jobs - leave America. How the Fed's lowering interest rates robs seniors, who are always the best victims of any scam.
Foundation for Advancement of Monetary Education
Box 625
FDR Station
New York NY 10150-0625

Show #574
Tuesday January 15, 2002
Robert Stevenson 
"How to Soar Like an Eagle" 
A guide to personal and professional achievement provides serious strategies, techniques and thoughts to empower his readers toward a better future.
Seeking Excellence
3078 Woodsong Lane
Clearwater, FL 33761

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #573
Monday January 14, 2002
Jim Davis 
"Did I Really Die?"
Eleven Days after a ruptured appendix caused life-threatening toxins to rush through his body shutting down vital organs. Jim Davis was declared clinically dead. This book considers the resultant near death experience to be one of the milestones of his remarkable life.

Tony Trimarck 
Air Mobility Command 101 (AMC 101) to the Military Affairs Committee of the Military Affairs Committee 

Show #572
Friday January 11, 2002
Michael Hurd 
"Grow Up American"
Learning to Live the Happy , Responsible Life
The Living Resources Center
P O Box 221
Columbia, Maryland 21045-0221

Stephen Arterburn 
"Finding Mr. Right"

Show #571
Thursday January 10, 2002
Brian Desroches, Ph.D 
"Your Boss Is not Your Mother"
Discussing problems with work relationships and how people get along with each other. Sometimes staff meetings have the emotional elements of a very stressful Thanksgiving meal. There are two ways to resolve problems; one is blame the other person, and the other is to view people and problems as linked together in a complex system of interactions and relationships.
Level II Consulting Group
2800 E Madison Street
Suite 302
Seattle, WA 98112

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #570
Wednesday January 9, 2002
Dr Thomas A Whiteman, Ph D & Randy Peterson 
"Starting Over"
Presents the insights and guidance they've gleaned from years of counseling and thousands of interviews. Drawn from the "hindsight wisdom" of those who have rebuilt their lives and moved on to healthier relationships, with eight principles revealed in this guidebook will help you.
Pinon Press
P O box 35007
Colorado Springs, CO 80935

Dr Kyle Peterson
Area Veterinarian

Show #569
Tuesday January 8, 2002

Michael Barnes

A unique book that explores the biblical approach to the high calling of fatherhood.  A handy, step by step instruction book for fathers who want to teach their children the ways of God
Huntington House Publishers
P O Box 53788
Lafayette, LA  70505

Dr Eric, Area Doctor
Email Dr. Eric  CLICK HERE

Show #568
Monday January 7, 2002

Samuel C Florence 
"The Aftermath" 
The novel begins when  a huge comet smashes into Earth, vaporizing all of civilization except a small "safe zone" in the southeast corner of South Africa.  All the survivors, including the engineers, have been cast back physically into the Stone Age, but, intellectually, they are at the for front of technological progress in the 21st century.  They set out to rebuild the world.  
Jane Wesman Public Relations, Inc.
928 Broadway
New York, NY 10010

Carrie Rudd 
Ice Fest at Breezy Point MN 

Jim Mosbrucker
NPRA Championship Bull Riding
Allerus Center, Grand Forks, ND on Jan 18 - 19 

Show #567
Friday January 4, 2002
Lori Hilmer 
"Chain Reaction Festival" 
At Cass Lake 800.356.8615

Ken Glickman

Show #566
Thursday January 3, 2002
Rev Robert Wise PhD 
"The Empty Coffin"
There's no body, no evidence, just a strange, homeless guy trying to convince Detective Sam Sloan that a creep called Jester Killed somebody.
Thomas Nelson Publisher

Bill McKechnie - lawyer

Show #565
Wednesday January 2, 2002

Luba Vikhanski 
"The Lost Cord" 
Marvin Marshall 
"Discipline without Stress Punishments or Rewards" 
This book takes you on a journey around the world, where talented researchers have defied the odds and tirelessly pursued the regeneration of the spinal cord.
Joseph Henry Press
2101 constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20418

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1999 List
2000 List
2001 List